Monday, October 28, 2013

LOL (Laughing Out Loud)

I have a bad habit of drifting off into lala land or better known to me and others as Leigh land. And sometimes inside this wonderful land many things are funny and at times I may release a slight giggle. Like last Wednesday during a PTA meeting. Candace Balcher, a sweet elderly grandma who takes care of her four grandchildren, stood up and asked for votes on a healthier lunch menu. Nothing Funny about that – right? But for ten minutes and I mean a very long ten minutes she shared every detail of her grandchildren’s medical malady, so you could see why my mind went into Leigh land.

Incontinence is a terrible issue facing many seniors, and I know it’s not funny. Only, when I was in Leigh land I only caught the end of the conversation, “having a hard time holding water.” And well it sort of gouged my funny bone. I pressed my lips together and put my head down-pretending to look for something in my purse. The truth was though that laughter bubbled right below the surface and if I looked up, I’d lose it.

There was a heavy silence that followed while Candace awaited for the votes. I kept waiting for someone to say something to get my mind off of bursting into a hysteria—the bubbling laughter kept growing. But the pin dropping silence lingered. Then as I sat there, the inevitlable happened. I felt the dreaded giggle begin to escape. I tried to swallow it. Once. Twice. Okay, at least a dozen times. I was totally winning the battle of control, until Brittney Charp, let out a slight snicker. Once my mind knew that I was not the only one that thought the ending to what Candace was talking about was funny also, tear flowing laughter burst through my innermost being.

I at least tried to cover it up by pretending Britney said something funny, but that didn’t work.  I guess no one bought it, or at least Candace anyway.

“This is a serious issue. We are talking about our children!” Candace scolded.

I placed my head down like a school girl that just got caught talking in the back of the classroom and voted. Once all the votes were cast and the meeting was adjourned, I made a bee line to the nearest exit.

I found out later that she was referring to our children needing more frequent bathroom breaks.

Believe me I know poor Candace’s plight was not funny in the first place. But like I said, when I’m in Leigh land, the stupidest unfunniest things make me laugh. My lack of attention brings out the worst in me.

Moral of the story! It is quite possible that laughter is not the best medicine.
(c)Ashleigh Blanchard 2013
This is the work of fiction.


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